By Dr. Warren H. Stewart, Sr.
Images from the Book
EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 86-5 HOLIDAY HONORING MARTING LUTHER KING, JR. signed by Governor Bruce Babbitt in the Pulpit of the First Institutional Baptist Church on May 18, 1986
Front Line of the Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. March on the Federal Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 19, 1987—From left to right: AZ Senator Carolyn Walker, Representative Art Hamilton, Tommy Espinoza and his son, Dr. Warren H. Stewart, Sr. and his son Matthew, Phoenix Mayor Terry Goddard, Pastor Walter Thomas, The Honorable Carolyn Warner, Unknown boy, Dr. G. Benjamin Brooks, Sr. and his wife
Various Arizona Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Campaign Bumper Stickers, 1987 to 1992
Signing of the first Martin Luther King, Jr. Day passed by the Arizona State Legislature on September 22, 1989, signed by Governor Rose Mofford
Victory Banner displayed in the First Institutional Baptist Church on Sunday, September 24, 1989, after passing of first Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday by the Arizona State Legislature
Signing of the second Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday passed by the Arizona State Legislature on May 16,1990, signed by Governor Rose Mofford
JET Magazine Article (Two Pages), December 10, 1990, “Cancelling The King Holiday In Arizona Sparks Hot Dispute”
Dr. Warren H. Stewart, Sr. attending the first African/African-American Summit, along with Dr. Lincoln J. Ragsdale, Sr., Valley Civil Rights Veteran, Mr. Coretta Scott King, Widow of Dr. King, The Honorable Benjamin Hooks, National President, N.A.A.C.P., April 17-19, 1991, in Ivory Coast, West Africa
Pastor Henry L. Barnwell, Chair, Arizonans for a Martin Luther King, Jr. State Holiday, Mrs. Rosa Parks, “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement” and Phoenix Mayor Paul Johnson taking a Symbolic Bus Ride in Phoenix on January 17, 1992